Saturday, December 27, 2008


It is gray and rainy, though not cold. It's hard to get out in this type of weather.
Yesterday I went to work, but left after only a couple of hours. I met some very old friends at Starbucks. The friends aren't old, but the friendship is. We've been friends since grade school, although I haven't seen Margaret in two years and Vicky in so long I can't remember. It's amazing to feel a connection even after a long time. There is an oddness, too. A realization that people who played such integral roles in the formation of Kathy are the same and yet so different that I can't possibly explain who I am now, or understand who they are. It's OK, though. There are different types of friendships. They are a part of my base.
Today I am doing odds and ends of things. I cleaned the kitchen & picked up the Christmas leavings in the living room. I've blogged, uploaded Christmas pictures, and watched Get Smart. I still need to clean the dining room table, which is serving as my desk right now. I have some accounting to do, and at some point this weekend, I'd like to get out to one or both of my jobs to try and concentrate on year-end things for a few hours.

I need to get birthday gifts for my sister and my niece for their birthday tomorrow. I am making a carrot cake. I may break in my new Kitchen Aid mixer by making some bread to go with the soup she has made for the birthday gathering. That will be tomorrow, since I want it to be fresh.

It's looking like I will have to face the world. After an Excedrin and a small nap...


Unknown said...

wow - people you've known since grade school! how amazing is that... my new book ive been working on is about a woman who reconnects to a lost love through her blog... there seems to be a lot of reconnections going on lately!

Unknown said...
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Kathy said...

The upside of the internet. A bunch of my friends and relatives have joined Facebook and we've reconnected that way. It's unobtrusive but friendly, which suits my personality well.

I seem to meet new people through the blogs, which is nice, too.

Kathy said...

Crap, the second comment was a duplicate, but when I tried to remove it, it looks like I'm getting rid of comments. If anyone knows how to fix that, HELP!

I suppose I could read the directions... where did I put them?...warranty for a toaster I don't have anymore... directions for my 8-track tape player...