Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm not dead yet...

I am still here, just checking in to say hello. I quit at work twice, but it didn't take. I considered leaving job postings on the copier to piss off my boss but thought better of it. I prayed for patience and understanding... it is tax season for him too. I decided to answer the phone put say I'm not in, then return calls from 3 to 4. If I can refrain from answering "one quick question" every five minutes, I might get some work done.

I have a really bad headache (although not the worst I've had.) I may go in late, but I still have work to do at home, so it's not like I'll get a rest.

I am not complaining. I am whining. This is how I get through hard times and long car trips. I know it is good to be busy and I know I will make it and I know I will meet all important deadlines. I know I will not kill anyone and I know I will not piss off more than one or two clients this season (at least so much they don't come back--- good riddance I don't like you enough to go to jail for you) and I am pretty sure I won't drop dead.

Are we there yet? Can I have a milkshake? He's poking meeeeee.....


Unknown said...

hang in there and even you find yourself going for the junk - try to include at least one rainbow in your daily intake and whole protein at every meal. the angels are with you!!!!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

This is a huge separation between whining and complaining. They are not to be confused.

It is obvious that you understand the difference. Thank you.

I also sincerely hope that work takes a turn for the better for you soon!


Anna Lefler said...

Whining is the engine that keeps me going! It's better than electricity - it's the new, clean-burning alternative fuel!

Hang in there...

:^) Anna

Kim said...

I heard it on the radio - I didn't actually count - but 48 more days and you will be there. Instead of a trip to disney book a day at the spa or someplace you love. Instead of answering one quick question take five minutes and book it now. You deserve it and it might just make the ride seem shorter. Blessings and hugs!!!